Early Rolleiflex Standard 621 120 Film TLR Camera With Carl Zeiss Tessar 3.8 / 75mm Lens
Model 621 made from 1932 to 1935
Serial No: 306500
Taking Lens: Zeiss Tessar 3.8/75mm Filter size 28,5mm
Finder lens: Heidoscop Anastigmat 3.1/75mm Filter size 28,5mm
Shutter: Compur, 1 – 1/300 sec., T & B.
Film: 6×6: B II 8, B I 6 (120) & 35mm with adapter set.
Film Transportation: winding lever, film counter; red window for spooling to first frame on & under the back, film pressure plate without color coating. Manual shutter tensioning.
Dimensions: 14.3×8.6×9.0cm.
Weight: 803 grams (621).
This model does have a hinged back.
Can be used with Rolleikin I to use 35mm film & with the special glass plate film adapter.
Shutter, focussing viewfinder, film winder, all working.
Lenses have some dust as expected with a camera of this age.
Quite good condition for its age (about 85yrs). Signs of use overall but still working and usable.
Includes a new black leather neck strap.
Also includes take-up spool.